
Di Gennaro


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about me

I was born in Rome, Italy, in 2006 and initiated my musical journey at the tender age of five under the tutelage of esteemed maestros such as Di Carlo, Visco, Genuini, and maestro Stefania Mercuri at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia. My pursuit of excellence in Oboe continued at the L'Aquila Conservatory A. Casella under the guidance of Maestro Mutalipassi. Subsequently, I advanced my studies at the F.A. Bonporti Conservatory in Trento and Riva del Garda, Italy, under the mentorship of maestros Stefano Tomasi and Giorgio Cassetta.

In 2014, I had the privilege of studying under Francesco Di Rosa, the Principal Oboist at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia. My dedication bore fruit when I secured admission to the prestigious Master of High Education program at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome in 2018, followed by a similar achievement at the esteemed Accademia Filarmonica in Bologna in 2020. By 2023, I had earned my place in the National Conservatory Orchestras System (ONCI) and had the honor of joining the distinguished European Union Young Orchestra with whom I had the opportunity to play in Grafeneg and at the Bolzano Festival Bozen, plus further concerts at the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Wiesbaden Rheingau Festival, Berlin Konzerthaus, and Hamburg’s Elbphilharmonie to work with Sir Antonio Pappano and Manfred Honeck, and soloists Julia Fischer, Benjamin Grosvenor and Martin James Bartlett. In 2024 he also played the role of 1st Oboe during the performance of Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5 conducted by Maestro Donato Renzetti.

What I Do

For me, it's all about bringing classical oboe pieces to life in the most expressive and detailed way possible. I'm all about creating a musical journey that not only resonates with me but also captivates my audience.

When I step into a performance, whether it's a solo, chamber, or orchestral setting, I'm not just playing notes, I'm telling a story. I work closely with conductors and fellow musicians to ensure that our performance is cohesive and emotionally impactful. It's about finding that perfect balance between technical precision and heartfelt expression.

My leadership within the ensemble is characterized by dynamic interpretations and subtle nuances in phrasing. I believe in pushing the boundaries of what's possible musically while still staying true to the composer's intentions.

Technically, I'm always striving for excellence. I aim to produce a rich, resonant tone and execute intricate passages with clarity and finesse. But it's not just about mastering the technical aspects; it's about using those skills to create something truly magical on stage.

Offstage, I'm constantly learning and growing as a musician. I'm always exploring new musical styles and refining my techniques through dedicated practice and study.

Collaboration is key for me. I love bouncing ideas off of my fellow musicians and working together to bring our collective vision to life. And of course, I take great care of my instruments and equipment to ensure that they're always in top condition.

But perhaps most importantly, I'm passionate about sharing my love for oboe music with others. Whether it's through teaching, mentoring, or simply performing, I want to inspire others to discover the beauty and joy of this incredible instrument.

The commission - chaired by Andrea Manco (first flute of the Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala in Milan) and completed by Raffaele Giannotti (first bassoon of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra) and Carmine Pinto (conductor and first horn of the Orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera in Rome) - also awarded a special mention to the very young oboist Jacopo di Gennaro.

A special mention to the very young oboist Jacopo di Gennaro. The 14-year-old, originally from Rome and a student at the Conservatory of Trento, will return to Lecce as soon as possible, guesting with one of his concerts at one of the festivals promoted by the 'Tito Schipa'.

Jacopo di Gennaro, the 14-year-old from Rome and a student at the Conservatory of Trento, will return to Lecce as soon as possible, guesting with one of his concerts at one of the festivals promoted by the 'Tito Schipa'.

The commission also awarded a special mention to the very young oboist Jacopo di Gennaro.

My Music Credits

From 2012 to 2023

I have won more than fifty national and international music competitions worldwide including the the National Arts Award A.A. 2020/2011 wind/woodwind section announced by the Ministry of Education, University and Research. I was the youngest Oboist to win this award in 15 consecutive editions.


At 15 years old I was called by the Mozarthaus in Vienna to play the role of Oboe Soloist in Hummel's Concerto.


I began conducting career by participating in Maestro Giancarlo Guarino's Master's Degree in Conducting, and in the same year I debut conducting Ange Flégier's Decimino (Maestoso-Allegro agitato)


I was interviewed by Monica Setta on Rai 1 in the popular programme 'Uno Mattina in Famiglia' and the very popular 'Suite' broadcast on Rai Radio 3, where she was interviewed by Andrea Penna.


Di Rosa, Leleux, Mayer, Vignali, Schilli, Thouand, Daniels, Orlando, Ogrintchouk, Pollastri, Ortega Quero, Sommerhalder and Calvi


Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, European Union Youth Orchestra, Hydn Orchestra, Youth Orchestra of Rome, Orchestra Giovanile Trentina, Symphony Orchestra of the Conservatory Bonporti of Trento and Riva del Garda, Youth Symphony Orchestra, Trento Youth Symphonic Band Orchestra, International Youth Orchestra Euregio, Matteo Goffriller Youth Symphony Orchestra of South Tyrol, Alpen Classical Orchestra, Alpen Synphonie Orchestra, Turin Philharmonic Orchestra, Objective Orchestra of Saluzzo and many others


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XV National Arts Award

(MIUR italy pna)

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Classic Pure Vienna Int. Music Competition 2021

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Tokyo Int. Youth Music Competition 2022

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International Mozart Vienna Competition 2023

"Elevating creativity, honoring talent: The National Arts Award celebrates excellence in the arts."

"Unleashing musical brilliance: Classic Pure International Music Competition 2021 sets the stage for global talent to shine."

"Experience musical excellence: LISMA International Music Competition in New York (USA) 2023 raises the bar for global talent."

"Harmonizing talent worldwide: International Mozart Vienna Competition 2023 celebrates musical brilliance."

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Amadeus International Music Awards


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Crescendo 2016

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Opus Int. Music Competition Poland 2021

"Spotlighting virtuosity”

"5th International Moscow Music Competition 2021: Celebrating excellence in global music."

"Opus Int. Music Competition Poland 2021: Showcasing global musical talent at its finest."


Gold International Classical Music Competition 2023, International Artists Competition 2023, VII Danubia Talents International Music Competition Online 2022, Birmingham International Music Competition 2022, 23° Concorso Internazionale Valsesia Musica Juniores 2022 Premio Monterosa - Kawai, IMC International Music Competition 2022, International BTHVN Wien Music Competition 2022, Amadeus International Music Awards 2022, Tokyo International Youth Competition 2022, Music Competition Online 2022, Music and Starts Awards 2022, Valencia Awards Summer Session 2022, Concours International de Jeunes Musicines de Talent "Nouvelles Etoiles" 2022, London Classical Music Competition 2022, Tiziano Rossetti International Music Competition 2021, Kings Peak International Music Competition 2021, X International Music Competition Amigdala 2021, London Young Musician 2021, Hong Kong International Young Musicians Competition 2021, Domenico Savino International Music Competition 2021, Royal Sound Music Competition 2021, VCMA-International Classical Music 2021, V Concorso Internazionale per giovani Oboisti "Luca Figaroli" 2019, 8' Concorso Internazionale di Esecuzione Musicale Città di Penne 2019, Clara Wieck Schumann 6° Concorso Internazionale di Esecuzione Musicale 2019, 20' Concorso Nazionale di Esecuzione Musicale Riviera Etrusca 2019, 2' Premio Musicale "Laszlo' Spezzaferri" 2019, Virtuoso International Music Competition 2019, Premio "Campus delle Arti 2019" 2019, 17' Concorso Internazionale di Esecuzione Musicale "Premio Città di Padova" 2019, 12' Concorso Nazionale di Esecuzione Musicale Città di Piove di Sacco 2019, 10' Concorso Internazionale di Esecuzione Musicale "Giovani Musicisti" Città di Treviso 2018, 1' Concorso Internazionale Musicale "Giovani Talenti" Città di Gorizia 2018, American Virtuoso International Music Competition 2018, 16' Concorso Internazionale di Musica "Città di Caserta" 2017, XXVI Concorso "Riviera della Versilia" 2017, IV' Concorso Internazionale di Esecuzione Musicale 2017, Napoli Nova Concorso Internazionale 2016, European Music Competition Città di Moncalieri 2016, Premio Crescendo 2016, 1' Concorso Musicale Città di Isola del Liri 2016, XXIII Concorso Internazionale ANEMOS 2016, VI Concorso Internazionale di Intepretazione Musicale "Euterpe" 2015, Concorso per Giovani Musicisti "Adotta un Musicista" 2015 ...

"Experience the transformative power of music through the captivating artistry of oboist Jacopo Di Gennaro, where every note becomes a story, every performance an unforgettable journey."

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Did you know that Jacopo's sister, Fiamma, is also a talented Oboist? Click here to find out more